Creating an annual marketing plan is the ONLY way to run a great business, so if you're a Business Owner you're going to want to read this ..
Why should you make a Marketing Plan for the year ahead?
Because when you plan ahead it means:
You know what your business will be doing month to month (and not taking each month as it comes)
You will be proactive instead of reactive (and not doing things too late)
You have an idea where your business will be in 12 months (and that you plan to be around that long!)
You can anticipate the quieter months (and keep your business going during this time)
Obviously unexpected things will happen and may not work with your plan, but having a plan during these times is better than not having one because you can stay focused and get back to where you want to be.
It's all about being an organised, flexible, resourceful and opportunistic Business Owner.
I can't create a plan because I have no idea what I'm doing in 2023
Well, exactly. ​
If you don't know what you will be doing throughout 2023, it's because you don't have a plan.
So this is a perfect time to block out some time in your diary, grab a glass of whatever and get started.
I sell the same product all year round, so there's no need to plan!
If you think your business is the same throughout the year and just ticks over - sorry, but no!
You can't keep promoting the SAME message everyday, each month because your target market won't be feeling the same or doing the same things all year round.
Plus that's just as boring for you and as it is us.
You need fresh and regular content to stay relevant for your audience, as well as give others a chance to find you and buy from you.
Consider the habits of your target market throughout the year and what affect them time wise, financially, emotionally etc ..
What should I include in my Marketing Plan for 2023?
The sort of things you could plan for are:
New service or product launch
Introduce a new media, such as a training course, an eBook or podcast, for example
All promotional campaigns, such as offers and discounts
Blog, newsletter and social media content for each month
What things should I consider when I am planning my marketing for 2023?
We are creatures of habit, so think about what your target market will be doing throughout the year and how can your business support them. Things to consider when planning your content:
How do the seasons affect your target market (Summer = holidays, Winter = hibernation, etc)
Ebb and flow of your industry (when will you be quieter and what can you do during this time?)
Awareness dates (engage with your target audience on dates that are relevant to you)
Your businesses key dates and events, such as anniversary
How Does It Work?
​Tackle the year by breaking it down into chunks:
break the year into quarters
quarters into months
months into days
(Then days into hours, if you are really brave)
For example:
Break your year into quarters and list 1-2 main things in each quarter that you will do and focus on
Break each quarter down into months and list what you will do each month to fulfil your quarterly plan
Break each month down into days and list what you will do each day to fulfil your monthly plan
And listen, you don't have to write your entire year down to the days of the month now - just get an idea of what's happening in each quarter, then have the monthly details sorted two quarters in advance, and then the daily details a month in advance.
This will help you stay focused but still be flexible.
Marketing Planner 2023 FREE DOWNLOAD
Please download my FREE Marketing Planner 2023 template here .. this one is on me.
If you like what you've just read, this is your personal invitation to join my newsletter mailing list for more tips and advice about web designs, brand design, marketing and my honest experience on what it's like to be a small business owner ..
Claire x