If you are launching a new product, service or offer, this is a simple checklist that will help you get organised and give yourself the best chance to be successful ..

Let's go!
What are you launching?
What is the name of it
What is the price
Who is it for
What is involved / what's included
What are the features
What are the benefits
How do people buy
How is it delivered
How many people do you have in your hot / warm audience for the service or product you are launching? The online conversation ratio for sales is 1-2%, so you will need at least 100 people in your hot / warm audience to sell at least one.
Timeframes and Expectations
These are the time frames you should work to, to set your expectations, depending on what audience you have:
Hot audience - these are your current clients, the people who already know, like and trust you
These will buy from you between 0-30 days, so you should expect to make a sale within 30 days (1 month), therefore you will only need to run your launch for 30 days maximum.
Warm audience - these are your subscribers, the people who like you but haven't committed to buy from you
These will buy from you between 30+ days, so you should expect to make a sale after 30 days (1 month plus), therefore you will need to run your launch for at least 30 days.
Cold audience - this is everyone else - the rest of your target market who don't know you exist
These will buy from you from 90+ days , so you should expect to make a sales after 90 days (3 months), therefore you will need to run your launch for at least 3 months
Create a dedicated lead magnet for your launch and put it on your website. This can be a waiting list sign up, early bird discount, or download - make people leave you their contact details so you can follow them up as hot leads because they are interested in what you are offering.
Create a dedicated page on your website that provides all of the info people will need to make an informed decision about buying from you. Then make sure you include a link to this landing page in all of your marketing, directing people to your website. Your landing page should be an excellent sales page for your launch, including:
What it is
Who is it for
What's involved
What are the benefits
How much is it
Where can I buy
Awareness content (answer the questions your ideal will have to show you are an expert)
Consideration content (show your previous work in a portfolio or reviews to prove you are credible)
Now you know your lead time and details of your launch, what content do you need?
SALES CONTENT - this is to directly sell the thing you are launching
What is it you are launching
Who is it for
What's involved
What are the benefits
How much is it
Where can they buy - link to landing page
CONSIDERATION CONTENT - this is to create FOMO in those who are already interested
Portfolio and latest work specific to the thing you are launching
Reviews specific to the thing you are launching
Case studies specific to the thing you are launching
Anecdotes specific to the thing you are launching
Stats on your business success specific to the thing you are launching
Lead Magnet specific to the thing you are launching
AWARENESS CONTENT - this is to attract new interest and create awareness of your launch
This content is all about SEO / longtail keywords and answering the specific pain point questions of your target market about your launch. You need to do at least one of these:
Blog posts
REMEMBER: Organise your content strategically over the time frame you have, for example:
MONTH THREE - 50% awareness and 30% consideration and 20% sales
MONTH TWO - 30% awareness and 50% consideration and 20% sales
MONTH ONE - 10% awareness and 30% consideration and 60% sales
Create an eye catching design for your campaign but keep it inline with your branding, so people recognise it.
Marketing design ideas:
Social media posts
Flyers and posters
Landing page
Branded lead magnet
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Claire x